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Three Things

A field of hand-blown glass flowers - glass art.

A few fun questions and answers...


Three names people call me…



Flower Farmer


Three places I have lived…

Deep in the Mojave Desert with no neighbors

In a cottage on a dirt road

In a cabin on a lake


Three places I have worked…


Siren Song Productions (my event company)

Travel Southern Oregon Coast


Three things I love to watch…

The birds flying over the lake

My garden growing

The ocean waves


Three places I have been…

Graceland – the home of Elvis Presley

Oahu, Hawaii

Niagra Falls


Three things I love to eat…

Spinach-garlic-chicken spaghetti

Homemade pizza

Mexican food


Three people I think about often…

YaYas of the Lake (my besties in Oregon)

My niece

My parents


Three favorite drinks…


Herbal tea



Three things I’m looking forward to…

Launching my courses for artists

Getting to know all of you

A little beach cottage... someday

How about you? Tell me three things about you in the comments!


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